Introduction to Genetics, Case Study 2: Lethal white and frame overo
How is a pretty white patch on a horse’s side linked to a deadly genetic condition? Discover the sinister side of the allele responsible for frame overo.
Read moreHow is a pretty white patch on a horse’s side linked to a deadly genetic condition? Discover the sinister side of the allele responsible for frame overo.
Read moreAre you female? If so, you are a mosaic of X chromosomes! Learn how tortoiseshell cats reveal the fascinating phenomenon of X-inactivation.
Read moreHow are genes shuffled together in sexual reproduction? Evolution produced a more intricate process than simply mixing everything up!
Read moreSmall changes to a single gene can mean the difference between life and death. It is a good job we have backup copies!
Read moreWhy haven’t we found a single gene for intelligence? The relationship between genes, proteins and ponies is exciting and complex!
Read moreThough disturbing to us, infanticide is fairly commonplace across many species. When and why does this shocking behaviour occur in horses? And does it serve a purpose?
Read moreEver wonder what makes a horse a particular colour? Find out about the biological underpinnings of the basic coat colours: bay/brown, black and chestnut.
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