Horses as you’ve never seen them before!

If you’ve ever seen a horse from this angle, you probably ended up in hospital! But one photographer went out of his way to get photos of exactly this view.

You may have heard of Andrius Burba from his Under-Cats project but you may not know that he went on to replicate this unique idea with horses, the latest and biggest animal to be photographed from below by the Underlook team.

Of course it wasn’t quite as simple as taking pictures of cats! They had to figure out how to get a 600kg horse on glass – and somehow get a camera underneath. After 2 months and a team of over 40 people, special non-scratch shoes and some willing horsey models, it was all set up.

Personally, I think it took some serious guts taking pictures from under that sheet of glass…

But it was worth it – the results are truly fantastic and a perspective on the horse that you never normally get to appreciate:

Photo of horse from the Underlook Project

Photo of horse from the Underlook Project

Photo of horse from the Underlook Project

If you want to see more (and, trust me, you do) take a look at the Underlook website and Facebook page. There’s Under-Dogs and Under-Rabbit too! (Personally, I’m hoping for Under-Goat next but I hear there are tigers and other big cats planned.)

If you’d like to support this project and get the Underlook for yourself, you can pop by their online shop which is currently stocking limited edition prints that look amazing. And please share so more horsepeople get to see this imaginative work!

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